Historical background of  surname Takis

There were no surnames in use by native population in Estonia until 1735. From this time also the first use of surname Takis is known. Currently the first known holder of this surname is Ado Takis, who lived from 1755 to 1780 in Kaina parish on Hiiumaa island in Estonia. The data related to his and his wife´s (named Marre) descendants give the most of the current amount of family tree information.

The oldest ancestor known is Laas from Emmaste. His son Mats, who was born before 1700, with his wife Els had 5 children. One of their sons, Simmo, who lived from 1717 to 1782, together with his wife Kirsti had 8 children. One of them was Ado,  mentioned above as the first carrier of Takis surname.

From the very beginning of family tree investigations around 1996 a database application called Brother Keeper is in use to handle the information. Read more about the technical solution to link the database information with this web site.

Neeme Takis 12.1999